Module 1 Our Amazing Brains

Key learning:

  •  How the brain responds
    to stress and anxiety
  • How stress interferes with learning and clear thinking
  • Introduce the core breathing
Introductions Agreements/ ground rules for feeling safe in the sessions Introduction to the brain: explain functions of the amygdala, hippocampus and pre-frontal cortex. Describe how stress hormones prohibit communication with the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus affecting our thinking learning and memory. Introduce the core breathing practice. Introduce journal keeping/reflective diary for the course
 Module 2 The Happiness Effect

Key learning:

  • Awareness of the mind-body connection
  • Strategies for eliciting happiness
Explore how we feel in our body when we feel stressed or worried and when we feel happy Guided visualisation: happiness/calm/motivation switch Explore what makes us happy. Review core breathing practice and introduction to mindfulness: awareness without judgement.
Module 3  Educating Pupils Inner Calm

Key Learning:

  • Benefits and values of being calm
  • Skills to elicit calm using progressive relaxation and guided visualisation
Discuss and explore the benefits of being calm in life – review of how stress affects our thinking. Progressive Relaxation exercise to focus on key areas where stress can build up in the body Identify core values for self and consider how being calm and mindful will help to achieve them Identify ways in life to elicit calm using all the senses such as music, colour and texture. Explore a vision for a peaceful world- what would it look like? How would it feel?
Module 4 It’s Okay to be Different (Glows and Grows)

Key Learning:

  • Possibilities of acceptance and valuing who we are
  • Skills to explore and develop our individuality
  • Awareness of strengths
    and what we would like to develop
Body scan to explore acceptance. Discussion how does acceptance help us in life? Identify what makes us unique and what we feel we’re good at (glows) Inquiry into qualities we would like to develop (grows) Guided visualisation sowing seeds of kindness/ weeding out unkindness Develop positive self-affirming statements Use reflective diary to record Guided visualisation Safe space, inner garden
Module 5 Let’s get Physical

Key Learning:

  • Benefits of mindful movement and body awareness
  • Importance of physical exercise for health and emotional strength and balance
  • How we can develop new skills and qualities
Mindful movement activity/yoga class Discussion: explore benefits of physical exercise mindful movement Tree posture: Improving physical strength and balance can transfer to a more confident and balanced mind. Explain neuroplasticity: creating and deepening neural pathways – if we want new skills/qualities, we just need to practice them. Identify personal physical goals we would like to achieve
Module 6 Mindful Munching

Key Learning:

  • Experience mindful eating and the benefits to appetite and healthy
  • Values of healthy eating
  • Explore beginners mind
    to appreciate the simple things in life
Mindful eating activity with chocolate using all our senses, followed by discussion: does eating mindfully make it taste better? Where does our food come from? Who grows it? Explore the difference between mindful and mindless eating. Activity: design and create a healthy buffet Explore other objects and activities to develop a beginner’s mind. Guided visualisation: beginners mind versus automatic pilot
Module 7 Riding With Resilience

Key Learning:

  • The importance of being able to bounce back- skills to develop personal resilience
  • CBT model, thoughts feelings and actions
  • Benefits of patience and tolerance for self and others
Discussion and activity to explain resilience and its benefits Explain the CBT model: how our thoughts, feelings and actions impact each other. We can’t help how we feel but we can use our thinking to change the way we feel and behave. Explore scenarios to problem solve and use the ‘STOP’ method. Stop Take a Breath, Observe your thoughts, and Plan your action Identify personal challenges and how we can change our usual response to them, using patience and tolerance
Module 8  An Attitude of Gratitude

Key Learning:

  • What is gratitude and how
    it affects our well-being as well as others
  • Kindness to self and others, the possibilities of creating a kinder and more humane world
Consider what we mean by gratitude and look at why it makes us feel good – what happens in the brain. Identify ways of showing appreciation and being kind Identify ways of improving wellbeing using the Mental Health Foundation’s ‘5 ways to Wellbeing’ Reflect on how and why we can take kindness out into the world Meditation: Life is sweet

Refund Policy:

  • Training course registrations will not be confirmed until registration is complete and billing information is received in full.
  • To cancel or reschedule a confirmed training please submit an email request to:
  • Please submit all cancellation requests within 60 calendar days of registration and no later than 30 days before the scheduled course date to receive a full refund of paid registration fees.
  • People who do not turn up and cancellations not made within the specified cancellation period will incur the full cost of registration.