Fantastic, thanks so much for staying together, now to your Success!

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Are you living a successful life? Do you know what that looks like?  Do you love your work? What about your relationships – do you feel connected?  In short how do you measure success in your life?  I love my work because I do what I love – which means I will never retire, because my work is a source of joy.  Is your work a source of joy?  Are you enjoying your work and relationships or are you stressed in the busyness of it all?

I have been in the field of coaching for over 15 years now and the 12 years prior to that I led spiritual transformation programmes centred around living a happier life.   For 27 years I’ve trained with amazing teachers from the Dalia Lama and Mother Meera to modern day wisdom thinkers should as Robert Holden and Marianne Williamson all of whom echoed what I learnt in my spiritual community about success, love and happiness.  Essentially, we need to start from a space of love in all we think, say and do for true authentic success and happiness.

In this article we explore four keys to unlocking authentic success in your life, which will help take your business to the next level and transform your relationships, wealth and health for the better.

Key 1 Love – Love embodies success, purpose and happiness so to start from a space of love makes sense.  We know the more loving we feel, the more successful we feel.  Armed with a loving sense of well-being we feel like we can achieve anything.  Connecting to the power of love inside ourselves is a game changer; we are literally creating a vision for living and working from the highest potential we have.

Are your decisions based on fears and worries like you don’t have enough?  If so, it is time to change your thinking and feel more success in your heart, so you can attract the life of our dreams.  Our thoughts create our feelings and shifting our energy from fear to free-flowing love attracts more success and miracles in our life.

Where in your life can you change your thinking to remove blocks in your personal and professional life to success?  Remember when we are more loving we are more successful?

Key 2 Mindfulness – Mindfulness helps us free up our mind, so we can connect to our heart and liberate our talents with ease and grace.  Mindfulness leads us to connection and helps us shine the light of love on our life.    Equality, success, compassion, appreciation, tolerance and contribution are fostered in mindful thinking which leads to successful intentions.  Off the top of your heart what would you say is your Unique Service Point?

Authentic success is about contribution not competition, it’ asks ‘what can I give’ and not ‘what can I get.’ Why not write a list of five things you give through your service as a coach or well-being provider, this will help you recognise your value and the value you bring into the lives of others.

Key 3 Let Go

Let go of ideas that limit you.  The story we tell ourselves about ourselves often needs updating.  When we get inspired about a new vision for living we need to let go of the old thoughts and beliefs that can keep us stuck.  When revamping your mind for success have the intention of gladly letting go of old grievances, rejections, disappointments, regrets and wounds and make a start today to become the happiest person you know.

I happily embrace success and release the following blocks to my success.  Grab a pen and brainstorm what old programming is in the way of your success and then pivot your thinking positively.  E.g. I am not confident enough becomes I am confident and comfortable in my skin or I am fat becomes I am slender and healthy.  By doing this you attract more of what you do want in your life and release old unsuccessful thinking.

Key 4 Gratitude

I can easily count my blessings each day with ease and grace.  I know the universe supports my life and the unseen hand of love is at work in my life.   I practice gratitude and know I have so much already to be thankful for.  My health, sight, touch, sense, food, home, family, friends, community and the gorgeous planet we live on are already great teachers in how wealthy I already am.

The miracle of gratitude brings us to our success in the present moment.   Don’t wait for your life to improve before you practice gratitude, practice gratitude and your life will improve.

I get these steps are very simple however, finding the faith in yourself, to commit to them takes courage.  Success like life is a continued journey of not letting too much of the past cloud your heart and embracing love and being loving in whatever you do right now, it’s that simple really.

Success Coaching is an ongoing relationship that can help you to produce extraordinary results in your life, career, health and finances. It is about helping you close the gap between where you are now and what you want to achieve in life.

To your authentic loving and truly happy success


Paula Pluck – Author, Trainer and Coach