The Diploma in Stress Management & Wellbeing Coaching gives you a formal qualification to demonstrate your competence in delivering training programmes in stress management and wellbeing coaching to groups or working on a one to one basis with individuals. It has been designed to give you the tools you’ll need to be a competent instructor, helping both yourself and others down the path toward relaxation, enhanced wellbeing and effective Stress Management.
Module 1: Stress and the causes
1.1 What is stress
1.2 Major life stress
1.3 The challenges of daily stress
1.4 Stress ‘is it what your thinking?’
1.5 Stress ‘maybe its how you’re feeling?’
1.6 Stress ‘is it all in the body?’
1.7 Stress ‘or is it in the way you act?’
1.8 Environmental stress
Module 2: It’s all in the mind – Neuro-processing
2.1 How to identify what is stressful for you or your client?
2.2 Case Study Stress Events
2.3 Smartfoundations – Stress Management Mix
2.4 Where the mind goes, the body follows
2.5 A glimpse at Neuro Lingusitic Programming
2.6 NLP communications model
2.7 Creating Rapport
2.8 Ten Internal thoughts or images which lead to low confidence/self esteem.
2.9 Ten Mental Patterns which support freedom and growth.
Module 3: Interventions using – Relaxation Skills
3.1 The Relaxation Response
3.2 Breathing techniques
3.3 Progressive Muscle Relaxation
3.4 Guided Imagery
3.5 Meditation based stress reduction – internal garden
Module 4: Combating Stress with Self Management
4.1 Coaching your client in good time management skills
4.2 Guiding your client toward improved Organizational Skills
4.3 De-clutter your enviroment
4.5 The benefits of complimentary therapies
4.6 The Wheel of Life
Module 5: Stress – Giving non-medical Advice Lifestyle
5.1 A balanced Diet
5.2 Weight Management
5.3 The importance of balanced nutrition
5.4 Foods which help prevent stress
5.5 Exercise Let’s Get physical
5.6 Alcohol and Stress
5.7 Hydration and sleeping patterns
5.8 When to refer on
Module 6: Interventions for Stress in the workplace
6.1 Why tackle Stress at work
6.2 Health and Saftey guidelines for Stress at work
6.3 Organisation problems caused by stress
6.4 Ways to reduce stress in the worlplace
6.5 Workplace Stress Policy
6.6 Wellness initiatives to implement in the workplace
6.7 What makes a good Employee Wellness Programs
Module 7: Resilience – Emotional/Mental toughness
7.1 Emotional Control
7.2 Internal dialogue
7.3 Emotional triggers and responses
7.4 Detachment
7.5 Pattern Breaking
7.6 Reframing – Alternative endings
Module 8: Running your Wellness Training Sessions
8.1: Identifying your market, specialisation
8.2 Preparing a your training sessions
8.3 Preparing Handouts
8.4 Delivering your workshop
8.5 Evaluating your training session
8.6 Marketing your wellness programme
8.7 Choosing a venue
There are 60 hours of learning for the Diploma in Stress Management Coaching plus 22.5 hours of supervised skills development.
Assessment for the Diploma in Stress Management Coaching occurs through:
– Supervised skills development practice
– Training Session Plan (to be submitted within 2 weeks of training)
– Reflective learning journal (2 be submitted within 2 weeks of training)
– Delivery of ‘snapshot’ well-being session
Applicants need to: Have acceptable qualifications, in related areas e.g. health professionals, HR professionals and those working in the field of physical, mental or emotional well-being. Or be able to demonstrate that their accumulated knowledge and skills is equal to the requirements of the above.
Complementary Therapists Association
CThA Approved Core Therapy Status
All students that obtain a CThA Approved Core Therapy qualification will automatically be accepted as members.
All Approved Core Therapy or Post Graduate Qualification therapies are automatically accepted for addition to the professional’s register of treatments and will be covered by our insurance
COST: £495.00
June Brighton – 20 CPD points