Humans can be moody
Moods are part of being human: sadness, anger, jealousy, vulnerability, numbness. We’ve all experienced these emotions at some point in our lives, whatever age we are, nine or ninety years old. The teenage years perhaps more than any other time in our lives can bring about strong moods and it can sometimes feel a bit like you’re on a roller coaster ride of emotions. So if you are not yet a teenager, or you already are one, either way it’s good to get prepared.
Vive la difference!
Not everybody gets mood swings as a teenager and we all express ourselves in different ways. Try not to compare yourself to anyone else, because we are all unique and we are all beautiful in our own ways. Everyone is changing (emotionally and physically) at different rates and in different ways.
We all differ in the way we want to deal with our emotions too. It might feel good just to talk to someone, to get things off your chest, and get some feedback from a sympathetic ear. Sometimes it’s good to be alone somewhere that you feel comfortable. Being in nature is also very calming, noticing the details in nature, for instance the patterns on a tree’s bark, the feel of it or the lines on a leaf, or watching birds, or animals can help take your mind of worries and help to get things in perspective.
Meditation is a simple way to calm your mind and get a bit of perspective from all those thoughts rushing around your head, (if you are sick of being at the mercy of different moods). Using the analogy of the roller coaster, imagine you are feeling sick on the roller coaster of emotions, meditation gives you the opportunity to watch the ride from the safety of the ground, so that although you will still feel these mood swings, it will feel more like you are watching them from a distance and this can help you to feel calmer. Have a look at the section on Mindfulness and meditation and the section on sleep, for ideas on different ways to meditate or relax.
Exercise can not only be fun, but also makes you feel better physically and emotionally. The endorphins created when you exercise will actually make you feel happier and calmer. If you haven’t already got a favourite way of exercising, try something new, there are so many different ways to get exercise, it’s just a case of finding which one you like best.
Healthy Food
Food affects our emotions more than you might realise. At a time when you are growing and changing so rapidly, good food and a healthy balanced diet is really important. It can help to balance your emotions, by enabling your body to cope better with all the hormonal changes. I’m sure that you will know that too much sugar is bad for you, did you know that it can make your mood swings worse? And that it (and some other unhealthy foods) can make spots worse? It’s tempting to binge on sweets and cakes when you’re feeling down, but don’t over do it, it’s fine to have sweets occasionally, but if you’re having lots everyday it can be a disruption and start to cause you problems. (Check out the section on nutrition and obesity).
Treat yourself!
Treat your body and mind with respect, like you are a prince or princess. Your body deserves to have good nutrition. (It also deserves little naughty treats every now and then, if you feel like it! – just don’t overdo it). Your body deserves to get exercise and fresh air. Your mind likes to be treated like royalty too, it needs a bit of space from hectic thoughts every now and again, so treat it to some relaxation and chill time, imagine yourself surfing or at your favourite holiday spot having a wonderful time.
All SMART Coaching (Stress Management And Relaxation Techniques) are designed to provide excellent and relevant quality well-being and mindfulness training, mindfulness training in schools or with young minds and intuition, insight mindfulness training across all sectors.